social network analysis & Gender : Practical Steps
GENSA hosted an Expert Lecture on Gender Geography: Learning’s & Challenges
Masterclass on Principles-Focused Evaluation and Feminist Evaluation
Skill Building Coffee Break Session on Doing Evaluations using Gender Transformative Frameworks
Welcome Katherine Hay Deputy Director, Gender Equality, Gates Foundation
EvalGender+ grant seed funding for knowledge generation connected to equity-focused and gender responsive (EFGR) evaluations awarded to GENSA members.
Engaging session on assessing economic empowerment and rethinking conventional approaches used for women empowerment by Yamini Atmavilas, Senior Program Officer – Gender Norms, WEE & Gender Data, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
The evaluation titled “Real Time Evaluation of Gender Integration in the UNICEF COVID-19 Response in South Asia” by Dr Sonal Zaveri, regional coordinator, GENSA was assessed among the top ones in the Award category “Evaluation as transformation” and has received an honourable mention of the Award! It is particularly important as it has embedded feminist principles in the evaluation design.
GENSA Podcast Series: Rethinking evaluative practices in the context of understanding men and masculinities in South Asia